Sub-image is a location to direct; moving on location without even a faintest, foggiest vision does not make any sense for me. I need a prop to lean on. I need to whisper a tale. When I paint the first colour and drag the spatula in the direction that I have only vaguely planned, it feels as if I have walked into a movie I have never seen before and have only a flimsy idea what it is about. Another stroke, another colour, another tool, a swipe with a rag and I am in control. Things gather momentum and I am on location of my own movie. I do not know the end, but I know what it will be about. I am curious about what level of abstraction I can reach and still comprehend what is going on. I guess there is this moment when the story ceases to exist. What remains is fleeting from colour to colour, going outside the plan and contemplating what has been created without control over creation. Lose and regain control, accident and plan. Fate? Just like in life, sometimes serendipity gives a better option than a conscious thought. It leads you into unforeseen directions and leaves you there so you must find your bearings in the new situation.    

cm: 150 x 100 | acrylic on the board